A little "herstory"...

Gwendolyn Simpson started Inspired Market Gardens in 2004 on a small plot on a farm in west-central Alberta. Within a few years the business grew to encompass a greenhouse, production and show gardens, and a country store. Many special events were held on the farm as a founding member and part of the "Rural Rendezvous," as well as creating and hosting the fun and famous "World Basset Races." Produce was available on-site, at farmer's markets, direct to local restaurants, and at Regional Organic and Food Events. In 2011, IMG was run in partnership with Alberta Hospital on their grounds in Edmonton.

In 2012, Gwen bought an acreage and relocated to Chilliwack, B.C., her original hometown. Starting with a small roadside "honour cart" in 2017, IMG began selling signature bouquets. Gradually expanding the gardens and the length of the season, we began selling bouquets, posies, single stems and edible flowers at farmer's markets and pop-up locations around the valley.

In 2024, Gwen built a "cold-frame" greenhouse. Today, she continues fulfilling her passionate dream of growing healthy herbs and veggies as well as gorgeous and diverse flowers.

Inspired Market Gardens is an all-natural grower.

We are "sunlight harvesters" - our primary production (herbs, flowers, veggies) is based on the conversion of sunlight energy into food. As gardeners and market farmers we know that the "soil is everything" and that the most important element in harvesting sunlight is ensuring that our soils are cared for and built up in a long-term, sustainable manner. The first principle is "feed the soil and let the soil feed the plant."

On the acreage, everything is raised in full accord to nature in an environmentally friendly way. We do not use chemical pesticides or herbicides of any kind, and use only certified organic fertilizer or composted manure.

We provide a learning experience.

We'll help you with great tips on how to grow, harvest, preserve and cook with fresh herbs and flowers. We'll assist you with what herb or flower would best complement whichever meal or dish you're preparing. We provide free culinary herb uses and care, and edible flower information with every purchase.

Watch for upcoming Special Events: Herbal workshops, growing events, and maybe even a Tea Party!

Want to receive notice and seasonal tips? Keep an eye on our Instagram!



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