Edible flowers not only look and often smell wonderful, they integrate with herbs beautifully, and most make wonderful cutting blooms as well. Edible flowers add unique flavour and zest to cooking or baking, to salads, or as a beautiful garnish.

Many of the flowers we grow are heritage blooms - you may remember them from your mother’s or grandmother’s or a friend’s garden.

We sell our flowers as plants, in collections in patio pots or hanging baskets, as individual blooms, or gathered together in signature flower arrangements. Again we can help you create your own unique collection in a pot or basket.

It’s easy to integrate edible flowers into your garden, or after visiting this site or talking to us, you may discover that you already have some edible plants in your yard! Please be cautious however – many plants are not edible (may even be toxic), or if bought from a traditional greenhouse, may have been sprayed with chemicals. We specialize in edible flowers, and because everything is grown organically you know it is safe.

Tips for Cooking with Edible Flowers

Add Flowers to:


  • Add as little or as much as you like. Choose flowers that complement the flavours and colours of the rest of your meal.
  • Roses, bergamot and pineapple sage are sweet.
  • Pansies, clove pinks and marigold are rather herbal.
  • Nasturtiums, chives and squash blossoms have stronger flavours of onion, pepper and garlic.
  • Use a light vinaigrette for these salads. Try using a herb vinegar by itself, or mixed with a little olive oil.
  • All culinary herb flowers are edible.


  • Cakes, cookies and pastries are brought to a whole new level when flowers are baked into them.
  • Use fresh or dried flower petals to sprinkle on top of icing, or use as a beautiful garnish.
  • Add Nasturtiums, dill flowers, thyme flowers, calendula petals, cornflowers, chive flowers or chive and garlic to breads, muffins and scones. Use your favourite recipe and add the flowers as the final step. You will need about 1 cup of flowers for each loaf or batch of muffins. Add one type or use a mix.


  • Add fresh petals to herbal teas.

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